Jumat, 25 Juni 2010


L Heliconia is a genus that includes more than 100 species of tropical plants, originating in South America, Central Pacific islands and Indonesia. Platanillo are called by their leaves or bird of paradise and grind through the colorful lobster envulven bracts flowers.

Herbs are 1-7 meters high, leaves simple, alternate, entire margin, acuminate apex and rounded base, bright green lighter on the underside, oblong, 2-30 cm long, venation prominently marked and central nerve on the underside. Petiole usually 15 to 50 cm long, surrounding the stem.

Produce inflorescences at the end of each stem and base of the plant. The panicles with various colored bracts (red, yellow, orange) and flower nectar, attract hummingbirds, which are associated with these species for pollination. The fruits are drupes. Needs heat and humidity for their development.

Most species are ornamental, but the rhizome or tuber of some species are edible roasted or cooked, as is the case of Heliconia hirsuta, known as ISIR or daughter. The leaves are used to wrap foods. Heliconias protect water sources and are essential in reforestation.

The name refers to the Greek mountain Helicon, sacred place where the Muses met.

* The Heliconia rostrata Ruiz & Pav. 1802 or Patujú is the national flower of Bolivia.
* The Heliconia bihai is common in the Amazon Rainforest and widely used in the preparation of regional dishes, using the worksheet "Bijao" or Platanillo as a wrapping for tamales, juanes.

Source: http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heliconia

See Also: International Flower Delivery, Florist

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