A Christmas Carol is a Victorian allegory about an old and bitter miser, Ebenezer Scrooge, who the night before Christmas a number of dreams, and so repent. Scrooge is a financier / money-changer who has devoted his life to getting more money and nothing else. He despises other than money, including friendship, love and the Christmas season.
Dickens, the story divided into five chapters. The story begins by establishing that Jacob Marley, Scrooge's business partner in "Scrooge & Marley, is dead. The story begins on Christmas Eve, exactly seven years after the death of Marley. Scrooge and his clerk Bob Cratchit are at work in the office, with Cratchit in a poorly heated room - the victim of avarice of Scrooge. Fred, Scrooge's nephew, will pass to his uncle a "Merry Christmas" and wish to invite him for Christmas dinner on Christmas Day. Scrooge sends him off with comments like "Yuck! Nonsense!". The gentlemen who then come to collect for the poor by Scrooge afgepoeierd with comments that the poor law and workhouses are sufficient for the poor. If the men reply that he would rather die than to a workhouse Scrooge responds, "If they would rather die ... than they had better do, and decrease the surplus population." At the end of the day, Scrooge grudgingly agrees with one day off for Cratchit on Christmas Day, Boxing Day, provided he comes earlier to compensate.
Scrooge goes home late, a stately building that formerly of the late Jacob Marley. He lives in a small room and the rest of the house is rented as offices. His room is dark and cold to save costs. If he puts the key in the lock when he scares the knocker on the door of the shape of the ghostly face of Marley. This is the beginning of a memorable night. Sounds in the dark on the stairs, latches and sliding sounds of doors elsewhere in the house, and an unexplained ringing of the abandoned bediendenbel precede a visit from Scrooge to Marley while the fire, eating porridge. Marley has come to warn Scrooge that his current lifestyle will bring them the same fate as Marley after his death: condemned to wander the earth as penance for the lack of charity in his lifetime. As a symbol of Marley's torture is a heavy chain attached to it symbolic objects from his life, but in heavy metal: ledgers, cash boxes, keys and the like. Marley warns Scrooge that fate can be worse, because his chain was seven years ago as long as those of Marley, and he has his selfish life only added. Marley tells Scrooge that he has a chance to escape his fate by visits from three ghosts who will come for one. Scrooge is shaken but not entirely convinced that he was not hallucinating and goes to bed thinking that a good night's rest will do him good.
The first of the three spirits.
1 hours at night the first spirit appears and introduces himself as Spirit of Christmas Past "(" Ghost of Christmas Past ') calls. He leads Scrooge through some of the happiest and saddest moments of Scrooge's past, events that have Scrooge into what it is today. The events include his father (even at Christmas Scrooge left sitting alone at the boarding school), the loss of his great love by too much attention to business and the death of his sister, the only person who gave him love and attention. No longer able to endure the painful memories and an ever stronger feeling of regret, his spirit begs him to let go home. Back in his room, the weather 12 hours.
The second of the three spirits.
2 hours at night (again) the second spirit that called itself 'Spirit of Christmas Current "(" Ghost of Christmas Present') calls. The spirit shows him the meager Christmas celebrations of the Cratchit family, the good nature of their lame son Tiny Tim, and possible early death for the child. This prospect is the immediate catalyst for thought and his change of heart. The spirit reminds him of his words from earlier in the day to reduce overcrowding. They also visit Fred's cousin, where a Merry Christmas is celebrated with a game in which a person must be guessed only with yes / no questions. Fred has in mind, of course, Ebenezer Scrooge and the questions is his character laid bare. The chapter ends with a symbolic display of two children, Ignorance and Needs (Ignorance and Want), which under the cloak of the spirit there, and that the main causes of suffering in the world personify. When Scrooge asks if they have no place to live the spirit quotes him: "Are there no workhouses?". After that visit Scrooge goes back to his room and is again on the clock 12 hours.
The third, silent spirit, the Spirit of Christmas Future, "(Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come") comes just after midnight. He confronts Scrooge his own death: a group of people talking about the recently deceased old scraper "and stuff from his house to be sold and it proves how much people are dead indifference. Scrooge does not recognize that it is himself. They also visited the house of the Cratchit who celebrate Christmas without Tiny Tim. If Scrooge begs the ghost to tell who the "old scraper" demonstrates the spirit of his own tombstone.
The last chapter tells Scrooge changes his life and the generous, kind-hearted soul he was before the death of his sister. He gives a kid on Christmas morning the task, the butcher a turkey twice as big as Tiny Tim "to be delivered to the Cratchit family. He apologizes to the men and is collecting a generous contribution. Moreover, the invitation of nephew Fred to join him to celebrate Christmas.
The themes of the story, social injustice and poverty, the relationship between them and their causes and consequences, are recurring themes in Dickens' work. The illustrator of the first edition, John Leech, was a politically radical artist.
Source: http://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/A_Christmas_Carol
See also: Sending Flowers, Online Florist, Florist
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